The Henry battery scrubber dryer with 17″ scrub width brings Numatic innovation to the extended Henry FloorCare range. No matter the cleaning task you’ll always have a Henry to hand.¶¶Over 12 million Henry vacuum cleaners have been sold worldwide. There’s no secret to his success reliability, simplicity and always designed to perform for the professional cleaner. Tough professional construction that offers powerful cordless cleaning results with long-life GelTec batteries and user-friendly controls that includes clear battery meter indicator.¶¶You know his smile, you’ll love his simplicity, reliability and of course clean, dry floors day in day out.¶¶· Fully adjustable handle provides proper ergonomics for any operator¶· Semi-parabolic tear-away squeegee pivots, providing excellent water recovery on turns¶· Quick-release Serilor squeegee blades for easy cleaning ¶· A patented flip-up head makes pad or brush changing a breeze¶· Hour meter and battery level indicator¶· The onboard charger allows it to be charged anywhere¶· 2 x 80 amp hour gel batteries provide 2-2.5 hours of run time¶· Low-voltage shutoff prolongs battery life.
Henry HGB 817 17″ Scrubber
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Henry HGB 817 17" Scrubber
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